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EU, accessibility for all of their citizens

The Access City Award recognises and celebrates efforts by cities to improve accessibility for all of their citizens, in order to ensure equal access to equal rights, and improve quality of life for everyone. The EU is expected to have 120 million people with disabilities by 2020, and with an aging population, it is essential that cities be accessible for all.

The EU is expected to have 120 million people with disabilities by 2020

The Access City Award recognises and celebrates efforts by cities to improve accessibility for all of their citizens, in order to ensure equal access to equal rights, and improve quality of life for everyone.

The EU is expected to have 120 million people with disabilities by 2020, and with an aging population, it is essential that cities be accessible for all.

This year, special awards will be given as part of the European year of cultural heritage, and will reward cities for their outstanding efforts to make cultural heritage sites accessible., ruido, GAES, salud

The special cultural heritage awards

The Access City Award is open to:

  • all EU cities of over 50 000 inhabitants
  • urban areas composed of two or more towns with a combined population of over 50,000 inhabitants, if they are in EU countries with fewer than 2 cities with over 50 000 inhabitants.

Cities with fewer than 50 000 inhabitants may participate in one category of the special cultural heritage awards

For the Access City Award 2019, cities with fewer than 50 000 inhabitants may participate in one category of the special cultural heritage awards. The deadline for applications is 16 September 2018. es el portal profesional exclusivo de que te ofrece información para decidir sobre ruido, contaminación, salud, convivencia, medioambiente y cambio climático.

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